Grand Opening of the 1st Simulation Centre

On 8 July 2020 at 12.00, at the Department of Physiology of the University of Athens Medical School, the Rector, Professor M.A. Dimopoulos, the President of the Medical School, Professor Petros Sfikakis, and the Head of Department, Professor Michalis Koutsilieris, in the company of many staff members of the Medical School, led the grand opening of the first high-fidelity Simulation Centre in Greece.

Teaching using high-fidelity clinical simulation centres in undergraduate medical training is an area of great importance in the learning and practising of clinical skills by students and specialty trainees. By applying the theoretical knowledge gained at the lecture theatre and through clinical troubleshooting exercises in a well-controlled clinical environment, the risks of error or wrong choices/decisions faced in a real-life clinical problem can be avoided. It also provides the opportunity to repeat a clinical procedure for as many times needed to be perfected. Multiple applications have shown that students and young doctors are better adapted to clinical reality when they have been trained by simulation, and even patients are more willing to accept the services of a new doctor or student trained in a simulated setting. Thus, training with the aid of clinical simulation is rapidly becoming part of medical education and will be its integral part in the future.


Michael Koutsilieris, MD (Athens), Ph.D (McGill), Endocrinologist,
Professor of Experimental Physiology; Director: Physiology Laboratory &
Chairman, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Medical School, School of
Health Sciences, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.